All right decisions

Don’t remove the past, is very easy to forget important details than bring the main to follow the steps. Of course the time give lot of answers to your questions, but you can’t control all the things that happened.

Tomorrow I will know the rainfall of today

Sometimes is normal feel that you are out of your life, everyday is more complicated if you just remember and think about why you are here. 99 correct decisions, but just 1 bad and all that you build goes down.

Try the next step but you don’t see the way, traveling in the fog without map in a new place.

The fog is here

I win time, but always come back to the deep point, scream but nobody listen. There’s a rope that helps to climb, but everywhere is wet, mud is slippery. Sometimes you think in the end of this adventure, stay down until you die.

There are lot of things out of this hold that help to climb it. After be out is like you walk always with the hole in your back, any wrong step can help to come back inside.

Enjoy the moments that you’re outside

I don’t know until I can fight, there’s future, I just run and don’t look back, but the hole is still here. Maybe you can see different, because this is my hole, but who knows if tomorrow you have your own.

I would like that all the society end in the hole, but I have to say that everything is ok.

Alone, outside thinking with the sounds of the nature, wait for your click on your mind. Maybe I don’t want, but I need to follow my role.

Deep thoughts to be somewhere that never was real. Tired to swim against the river, water brings you to your place.

I would like to be in the show

I don’t know if the independence could be real, maybe when you discover again lost the control. Never out of the system, but you can find your place, despite the way that you see is hard. Wait that the time pass, but who knows who will be after.

The evolution of your role changes your personality, sometimes even the most deep things that you believe that are forever.

I’m sorry but I need to open my mind…

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